Some Changes at SelbySoft – 4/1/2013

Once again it is that time of the year for SelbySoft to make some significant changes to our software and our company.

1)  All font types in SP-1 are now displayed in Comic Sans.  We like it and don’t care if people make fun of us.

2) We are replacing all pictures in SP-1 with Instagram versions (yeah – we added a lens flare because it is cool). 









3) We are going to have one gift card design – We call it classic.   This should make every one of our customers much happier as there is no artwork to worry about.








4)  To make it easier for all our customers to reach us we are changing our phone number to 1.

5) We are going to have SP-1 directly connect to the IRS and your local department of revenue so you don’t have to do your taxes. . .  Wait!   That’s just a joke!  Don’t panic!

6)  We are rolling out two new lines of tablet technology. . . A 24″ tablet for those of you that believe bigger is better and a 2.4″ tablet for those of you that like the smaller screens.

7)  MobileDash will have some new functionality.  If an employee is caught slacking off it will send a high voltage shock their way.  We have tested it in house and aside from a tendency to  shake uncontrollably there are been no real downsides!

8)  SP-1 will now shoot  fireworks and sound sirens when a customer hits their reward level.  We feel this will greatly enhance the rewards experience.

9) In the picture below the top left pixel will be changed – we are not saying why.



















10) There is no ten – this is just a place holder so the list does not look funny.

Any questions?  Hopefully you got that this is all for April Fools’!


April 1st, 2013 by