5 Ways to Secure Your SelbySoft System

I know that security is never fun to talk about.  People hate thinking about theft.  So let’s call this a conversation about ‘preventative maintenance’ instead.

1.  Don’t have the same employee code for everyone.  Have the employees use an individual code for clocking in and for taking orders.  It does not take much to setup and it’s not that hard for employees to get.

2.  Go through your security settings and make sure that employees don’t have the ability to re-open tickets or void tickets once completed.   While you are at it, make sure it takes a level 9 security to change security levels!

3.  Check that you don’t have any 100% or open discounts without security.  If you do, place a manager or owner level security on them.

4.  Don’t let employees open the cash drawer with a key.  It only leads to problems with the cash.

5.  Check your audit reports as well as your employee summary report every once in a while.  When employees know you are on top of things, they are less likely to try and steal.


There you go, five short, easy methods of security that you can implement.


May 1st, 2014 by