Ever wonder how often certain customers order? What about how much money they spend? If you have SP-1, you have
Posted in Order Entry, Reporting Tagged with: customer frequency
We have been offering the Sticky Receipt printer for about a year now and thought it would be fun to
Posted in Uncategorized
Our MobileDash system has been around for a couple of years now but there are still some of our
Posted in Reporting Tagged with: mobiledash, reporting
Hopefully you are aware that you can store a customers information in SP-1. Do you know all the ways
Posted in POS Features Tagged with: customer file, customer tracking
How do your employees clock in? Code? Swipe Card? Neither of those are bad but they also are not
Posted in Employees, theft Tagged with: fingerprint, Theft
SP-1 has a ton of features. I thought it would be fun to list a few that many of you
Posted in Employees, Gift Cards, Order Entry, POS Features