Automate your marketing
Taking a cue from our post about social media marketing last week. Don’t' forget that email marketing still works and is easy.
Tools like Mailchimp and Constant Contact are available for you to use and pretty easy to setup.
If you are tracking emails in your SelbySoft point of sale, you can export all of those or even just by certain criteria.
That gives you the ability to target your mailings. Since the customer is tied to the orders in SelbySoft, you can export out based on order times, lazy customers and more.
If you want to take this a step further, look at our Hands Free Marketing system. This is a set it and forget type of system.
For $10/month, you get the ability to have up to three automated emails automatically generated and sent. These target three specific areas.
New Customers - Emails you see for the first time.
Lazy Customers - Emails that have not been used in 30 days.
Birthdays - Emails to customers that have a birthday coming up.
You simply setup the email, send it to SelbySoft and then leave it alone. We take it from there. This is a great way to automate your basic marketing and increase your visits. We have seen an average response rate of up to 17% when using this directed email system.
- Mike