March 27th, 2014 by Mike Spence

Are you aware that SP-1 supports table service?  Some points below . . .

  • Assign up to 100 tables with custom numbers or names.
  • 26 seats per table.
  • 26 separate checks per table.
  • Ability to move items from one seat to another.
  • Ability to move seats from one check to another.
  • Tab capabilities
  • Ability to move a seat from one tablet to another.
  • Server close out reports.
  • And more!
If you have table service, or are thinking of implementing it, let us know.  We can show you how SP-1 can help.

Posted in Order Entry, POS Features Tagged with:

November 15th, 2011 by Mike Spence

Hopefully you have all seen that we are now carrying a line of tablets for POS use.  The question now becomes “what would I use it for?”.

Well… Let me give you some suggestions . . .

Line Busting: The most common thought with tablets is to line bust.  The scenario is that your customers come in and are waiting in a line.  Instead of waiting for the customer to hit the counter, order, pay and wait for the product, we switch it around some.   While they are in line waiting, you send an employee with a tablet down the line for pre-orders.  Now the overall perceived time spent waiting for the product is cut down.   This is a great way to help in busy locations.

Pre-Ordering:  This is similar but a little more involved.  The goal here is to immediately engage the customer as they walk in the door.   The employee takes the customers order while standing face to face with the customer.  Once that order is taken, the customer can then move through the line to pay at the terminal and pick up the drink.  One big advantage here is that once the order is placed, most customers are more willing to wait and less likely to leave.

Drive Thru:   Take the concepts above and apply them to customers waiting in line at the drive thru.   This can allow you to have an employee get out and pre-order for the drive thru windows.

Table Service: Have your server use a tablet at the table to take the customers order.   This allows you to make full use of the up sell (forced modifiers) capability of SP-1 as well as speed up table turns as well as a more accurate order.

Take it outside:  Do you have seating outside?  Using a tablet can mean that you can dedicate an order taker to handle those orders and make it more convenient for  your customers.



Posted in Hardware, Order Entry, Uncategorized Tagged with: , , ,

March 17th, 2011 by ssadmin
Clock Out Options for Servers

If you have servers in your restaurant,  you will be interested in this.    I have occasionally heard from our customers that one of the issues they run up against is a server forgetting to close a table before their shift ends.  Now, the server collects the money but leaves that table on hold.  

This can throw a wrench in closing out the servers and reconciling the end of day paperwork.  

After thinking about this, our development guys decided to work on a new way of preventing this from happening.  

There is now a new feature in SP-1 that will allow you to prompt a server during clock out if they have tickets that have been left on hold.  This message will appear when you attempt to clock out.  

If you have a security level applied, a password will be required to select the “No Clock-Out” button.

Contact us at:
Mike Spence
8326 Woodland Ave. E
Puyallup Wa 98371

Posted in Order Entry, POS Features, Uncategorized Tagged with: , ,

January 20th, 2011 by ssadmin
Server Close Out

The server close out report was created for those of you that operate a table service environment.   This report is great for the “server banking” aspect of a table service restaurant.

For those of you that are unfamiliar with the “server banking” concept. . . It’s a method of having your server carry a “bank” of change with them in order to cash out tickets table side.  The server is then responsible for maintaining their own cash accountability.  

The Server Close Out report is used by the server once they are done with their shift.   The server will select the Server Close Out button in order entry to print the close out to the receipt printer. This gives a full reconciliation of the servers bank. 

As you can see by the example, this has a full list of all the tickets with totals, tender type, amount collected, tips and table number. 

We then take that amount, subtract checks, credit cards, accounts, gift cards, and gift certificates and report the cash sales.  

Next we take the cash sales and deduct any tips and check overages (writing a check for cash back).  That provides you with a total dollar amount the employee owes the house! 

Contact us at:
Mike Spence
8326 Woodland Ave. E
Puyallup Wa 98371

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