Tips on Gift Cards

Do you take tips? Over the last couple years we have been asked by people that take tips to allow those tips to be placed on a gift card as well as a credit card.

Well, that ability became possible earlier this year! We added the ability to have a gift card function almost identical to a credit card. So, to walk through this. . .

Customer orders something and you go to the Ticket Completion Screen.

Select Gift Card and swipe the card.

SP-1 will now print a slip with a tip line and signature line right away. When the customer hands that back, hit the tip button and add the tip!

Remember – Gift cards are no fee and no swipe charge when used through either SP-1, the Multi-store gift and loyalty corporate package or through our Mercury Payment (credit card referral partner).

Contact us at:

Mike Spence
SelbySoft, Inc
8326 Woodland Ave. E
Puyallup Wa 98371

August 7th, 2009 by