Hopefully, you didn’t just picture the guys from Saturday Night Live with a couple of old school tape backups in their hands.
We all know that catastrophe strikes when we least expect it. Unfortunately, in some cases, we start thinking about checking for backups after the catastrophe happens.
You may be aware that part of our SP-1 by SelbySoft solution is a daily cloud based backup. We consider that step 1 of your backup solution. Step 2 is the store level backup. Why store level? Because it is possible for any cloud based backup to fail. What if your Internet provider goes down? Even something as simple as a cable coming loose or an employee accidentally stopping the service that does the backup can mean your backup is not happening.
In order to be completely protected, you should be performing a local backup to a CD, DVD or USB drive daily. Further, make sure you take that backup offsite occasionally. Backups don’t do any good if they are in the store when that catastrophe happens.
Need help setting up a local backup? Let us know and we can help you get it going.
Posted in POS Features, Technology Tagged with: backup, cloud
With all the talk of the cloud in today’s POS market, you might wonder if anything isn’t in the cloud today! At SelbySoft, we try to offer the best of both worlds when it comes to the cloud.
SelbySoft prefers to have your data held locally in your store(s) location. Not on a rented Amazon server like most cloud based POS systems. This leaves you in control of your POS data and eliminates the possibility of being held hostage by a bad internet connection. Your SP-1 system will continue to work without any internet connectivity at all.
Cloud Based Features
Posted in Gift Cards, Order Entry Tagged with: cloud, gift card
Backups, Backups, Backups (You Can’t Say It Enough)!
Be honest, you don’t backup regularly do you? We know it’s tough to admit out loud but experience shows that most of you don’t run your backups. To those of you who do, kudos and a question – when is the last time you checked it??
Customer opens DVD-RW drive and in place of a backup disk – a music cd.
Customer goes to restore a backup and finds that the disk was full a year ago!
Tech asks customer about backup. Customer responds with – what does that mean?
When asked about backups, customer responds with “we do one every year”!
These are real world scenarios that our support department addresses every day. These don’t even include the people that have fires (yes it happens), hurricanes (sand and water do not help computers), employees that damage machines (employee quits and kicks the machine over), theft (people steal the whole computer), and so on. And we all know that when you need the backup – you really need it! It’s much easier to convince your insurance company with copies of all your sales history readily accessible.
Remember – Backup, Backup, Backup! And if you have any questions. . . Call us.
Mike Spence
8326 Woodland Ave. E
Posted in Order Entry, POS Features, Uncategorized Tagged with: backup, cloud, online