March 1st, 2012 by Mike Spence

Occasionally we are asked how to record a payment made in some way other than our default methods.  As a quick review, SP-1 has the ability to accept:



Credit Card (five per transaction)

Account Charges  (billing a customer)

Gift Cards (five per transaction)

Sometimes, that’s not enough.  We have customers that take paper gift certificates, accept script, barter cash or even credit card transactions from an outside source like Square or Mogley.

In SP-1 we have the ability to create five special payment options to record items like this. When you select the gift card button, you will see those buttons at the top.  In the example below, you see Mogley, Square and Gift Certificate options.   This will also allow you to record an account number or approval number on the transaction.   Keep in mind that it does not process through those methods, just record that it happened.









Of course, we will report on each of these as well (see below).   Call us for more information!



Posted in Gift Cards, Order Entry, POS Features Tagged with: , ,