System Security in SP-1

Security is important.  I think we all agree about that!  The question is how to best set it up?

First, we have to talk about how security levels in SP-1 work to begin with.  SP-1 supports eleven different levels for employees.    Each employee is assigned a number that represents what their minimum security level is.  So, if you assign an employee level 3, they can do anything that requires a 0,1,2 or 3 level password.

The first security level is actually blank – If an employee has no security level number in their file then they can only clock in and out.  This allows you to use that security for bakers, prep personnel etc.  This security level has no access to any other function of the software.

The others are 0 through 9.  Below are some suggestions as to what levels should be used for.

Level 3 – We recommend that this be used for shift supervisors or assistant managers.

Level 5 – We recommend that this be used for an in the store manager level.

Level 7 – Recommended level for any area or district managers when using multiple locations.

Level 9 – Owner level security.

Using this as a template give you the ability to still have areas for growth!


September 4th, 2012 by