Category: Reporting

May 26th, 2011 by ssadmin

We all agree that reporting is important right?   One of the questions that we from people who are looking to purchase our SP-1 system is what are the different methods of reporting available.

Sometimes how you get reports can be as important as what you get on the reports!  

1)  Printed –  The most obvious way is to print reports to a laser printer so you can review them at any time.  There are a number of reports that can be printed to the thermal receipt printer as well.   This is great for shift closes etc. 

2) Reporting to screen – Just looking for a quick number or to review data SP-1 can provide?  Run the report to the screen!  It’s a quick way to review without printing. 

3) Reporting to disk – Want to print to a file?  We handle that as well.  It’s a great way to save reports and view later on.  They can be viewed in any word processor.  This is also a great way to email reporting to another partner. 

4) Dashboard – Want to review what is going on in the store?  Hit the Dashboard button!  Remember, this will give you a quick snapshot of your most important totals.

5) Export files – Want more powerful reporting?  Use the XML exports we have developed! These allow you to pull information into tools like Excel to really get in depth with the reporting. 

5) MobileDash  – Need information on the go?  MobileDash is the way to go.  This will provide hourly reporting direct to any phone that receives email.   MobileDash is affordable as well, only $10 a month or free with our Corporate Software Options. 

6) Corporate Reporting Options – Want information from anywhere?  Our corporate reporting options automatically transmit all of your sales information to a central location automatically every day. This is a great way to manage multiple locations.  Check with us for the cost. 

Contact us at:
Mike Spence
8326 Woodland Ave. E
Puyallup Wa 98371

Posted in Reporting, Uncategorized Tagged with:

April 7th, 2011 by ssadmin
Time Keeping

In this blog, I’ll continue to take a look at some of the reporting features in SP-1.   This time, we will look at some of the Time Keeping reports that are built in. 

There are four key reports for the employee time keeping.  

Time Period for Employee:  This report will provide you with the hours worked and wage earned for one employee.  Typically this would be run when an employee is released or special payroll circumstances.   This report shows you the details of each clock-in and clock out period, the wage, hours worked and any overtime. 

Time Period For All Employees:  This is very similar to the above but it runs for all the employees you have clock in / out periods for.  Additionally, this report will allow you to run a summary version that shows you just the total hours and wage for a quick reference.  This is the report that you will typically run for your payroll period. 

Employee Listing:  This report will show you a simple list of all employees and their contact information. 

Job Classifications:   If you pay employees different wages based on the job that they clock in with.  This gives you a great way to see where your payroll dollars are going.

As usual, there are a number of different ways to show this data.  Also, there are some specific switches that determine how these reports (and others) function.  Don’t hesitate to contact us for more details! 

Contact us at:
Mike Spence
8326 Woodland Ave. E
Puyallup Wa 98371

Posted in Employees, Reporting, Uncategorized Tagged with: , ,

March 24th, 2011 by ssadmin

Thinking about our MobileDash Options?  You haven’t seen anything yet! 

This new technology allows SP-1 to remotely communicate with you via email on a constant basis.

We started with being able to show you your:
Tostal tickets
Total sales
Average dollar per ticket
Total labor dollars
Labor percent
Total cost of goods
Total cost of goods percent

We then give you menu group breakdowns with totals!  This all is emailed to you on an hourly basis so you are completely in control of what is going on in your store. 

While all of this us pretty cool we decided that it could not stop there.  All of this was just the beginning of the reporting you receive from us.

MobileDash has been enhanced to provide new features as well! 

VoidTrack– Ticket voided?  You get an email!

TheftAlert– If an employee enters 911 as the password for no sale – you get an email alerting you to a potential robbery!

AuditTrack – When a void does happen you need to know what is happening. Audit track will show you what was voided who did it and when.

TimeManager– an employee clocks in? You get an email!

Nosale– No sale occurs? You get an email!

EmployeeMail. Are you familiar with our ecomm messaging system?  This takes it a step further so that your ecomms are automatically emailed to your employees

Do you use twitter ?  How would you you like to tweet specials from SP-1?  We have added this feature so that you can tweet specials directly from the system!

Don’t think this is the end of this type of development….Keep checking with us for cool options to come!

Contact us at:
Mike Spence
8326 Woodland Ave. E
Puyallup Wa 98371

Posted in Order Entry, Reporting, Uncategorized Tagged with: , , ,

March 22nd, 2011 by ssadmin

Continuing our introduction to SP-1 reporting. . . 

The Daily Sales Recap section of SP-1 reporting is where you can access most of the daily business reporting you will need to make intelligent decisions about your business.  

Think of this area as a 24 / 7 manager that can give you instant feedback on how the business is coming along.  Once you enter this area of reporting, you will see a number of report options:

Balance Till: This area is designed to do just that – allow you to balance a till.  This report shows every ticket that was added throughout the day.  You can provide an exception on the report for delivery tickets as those are handled through the driver.  This report can be run by the shift, the workstation or the day. The best use is to close out the actual cash drawer on a station and to close out a shift.   This can help you determine if you are over / short per drawer.  Keep in mind that this can also show and reflect credit cards, gift cards, tips, coupons and discounts.  This report should be run every day. 

Workstation Summary:  This report is designed to give you a picture of what is happening per workstation – including totals and menu breakdown. 

Employee Summary:  Use this to get a view of how well employees are doing from a cashier standpoint.  This report shows the total dollars that an employee sold, number of voids, number of tickets etc.  The great thing about this report is that the number of voids gives you a good indication of potential theft.

Shift Close – 40 Column:  This is very similar to the Balance Till but it is more of a summary.  You would use this report to print a receipt (on the thermal printer) for the shift.  This allows you to easily close out a till during your different shifts. 

Business Summary Recap:  This is the primary business report and is too large to go in depth with here.  This gives you a detailed listing of your day (week, month, year).  Labor percentages, menu mix breakdown down to the modifier level etc.  The important thing to remember here is that this should be run every day.  When this report is run, you have the ability to enter your cash, checks, credit cards etc for the day.  This will then compare those entries with what SP-1 has recorded.  You can then have an over/short to help see what is happening.

Hourly Recap by Week: This report is underused by most stores.  Basically this tracks, over a week the total number of tickets by hour and by menu group.  This is a great report because it shows you how many orders you had.  Use this to help schedule and plan your next week based on the last weeks sales. 

Credit Card Settlement:  This report allows you to reconcile your credit cards that were run through SP-1 with the credit card information reported by your processor. 

XML Ticket Summary: This is a customized export to an XML format.  This report can be brought into Microsoft Excel and used to provide full reporting beyond the normal reporting in SP-1. 

Contact us at:
Mike Spence
8326 Woodland Ave. E
Puyallup Wa 98371

Posted in Reporting, Uncategorized Tagged with: ,

March 15th, 2011 by ssadmin

In my last blog I wrote that we would be looking at what reports SP-1 has to offer.  More importantly, we will look at what you should use them for.

As I said last time, reports are something that people love and hate.  They love the fact that the information is out there and hate the fact that they don’t use it.   Let’s try and clear some things up here. . . 

In SP-1 we try to put our reports in some specific categories:

Daily Sales – This is the main business reporting section.  In here you will find the reports that impact your sales totals and menu mix breakdowns.  We will cover this more later.

Time Keeping – This is where employee reporting is.  Hours, time worked, wages etc.

Delivery – Here we cover what happened to the drivers you have on the road.

Mailing / E-mail –  Marketing is what goes on with these reports.  This area is incredibly important as it can help you directly increase your sales and customer retention.

Ticket History – Specific, surgical reporting on some certain categories of discounting, comments etc.

Account Billing –  If you run an accounts payable system for your customers, this is where you will see what is outstanding. 

Order Processing –  If you use our Order Processing module, you will get quote time breakdowns here.

Street Names –  For those of you that do delivery, you can find out about your delivery area here.

Inventory – All of the inventory and portion control reports are handled here.  Including the variance reporting on inventory.

Deferred Orders – If you handle timed or scheduled ordering, you will find it here.

Customer – Specific reporting regarding customers is located here. 

Now that we have that out of the way, let’s start to talk about these categories in more depth.   My next blog will focus on the Daily Sales area. 

Contact us at:
Mike Spence
8326 Woodland Ave. E
Puyallup Wa 98371

Posted in Marketing, Reporting, Uncategorized Tagged with: ,

March 10th, 2011 by ssadmin
Reporting in SP-1

One of the lessons I’ve learned over the years is that store owners have different ideas about what is important for them.   It shouldn’t come as a surprise that this is true – after all, it’s why people open their own businesses. 

Everyone of these store owners that purchases a POS is to see the reporting capabilities that the system will bring to their store.  Once the POS has been up and running for six to twelve months, we see owners starting to dig deeper into the reporting aspect and really looking at  the numbers provided.

So what “typical” reports should you be looking at?   While there is no one answer for all, we do have some suggestions on what might help you understand your business better.

In this next series of blogs, I’m going to cover some of these reports more in depth and how they can be useful – both in what they were originally designed for and what they are actually used for. 

Contact us at:
Mike Spence
8326 Woodland Ave. E
Puyallup Wa 98371

Posted in Reporting, Uncategorized Tagged with: ,

March 8th, 2011 by ssadmin
Are you tracking labor cost?

After one of the last trade shows, I came away realizing that there are a number of people that don’t use our Employee Time feature.  I’m not sure what the thought is here as it is INCREDIBLY easy to track the employee time keeping in SP-1!

Once you have employees clocked in SP-1 starts tracking the time for each employee.  If you take the time to enter the wage per employee, then SP-1 is also tracking your labor cost!

Labor cost is automatically reported on your BSR (Business Summary Recap), Dashboard, as well as being reported on the MobileDash.  Having these numbers available to you are very important in controlling your costs on a regular basis.

One note, we do find people that are not tracking their salaried employees because they don’t clock in / out.  We have the ability to enter the daily salary of those employees in one spot so that it is reported with our labor percentages!  This can be found in Reports | Reports Setup: 1

Contact us at:
Mike Spence
8326 Woodland Ave. E
Puyallup Wa 98371

Posted in Order Entry, Reporting, Uncategorized Tagged with: ,

January 20th, 2011 by ssadmin
Server Close Out

The server close out report was created for those of you that operate a table service environment.   This report is great for the “server banking” aspect of a table service restaurant.

For those of you that are unfamiliar with the “server banking” concept. . . It’s a method of having your server carry a “bank” of change with them in order to cash out tickets table side.  The server is then responsible for maintaining their own cash accountability.  

The Server Close Out report is used by the server once they are done with their shift.   The server will select the Server Close Out button in order entry to print the close out to the receipt printer. This gives a full reconciliation of the servers bank. 

As you can see by the example, this has a full list of all the tickets with totals, tender type, amount collected, tips and table number. 

We then take that amount, subtract checks, credit cards, accounts, gift cards, and gift certificates and report the cash sales.  

Next we take the cash sales and deduct any tips and check overages (writing a check for cash back).  That provides you with a total dollar amount the employee owes the house! 

Contact us at:
Mike Spence
8326 Woodland Ave. E
Puyallup Wa 98371

Posted in Reporting, Uncategorized Tagged with: , ,

January 18th, 2011 by ssadmin
One Touch Scroll

Here is a simple but neat new feature.   You already know how to scroll through reports using the up and down arrows on the screen, scroll bar or your mouse wheel. 

We have a new way to view reports now.  Those of you with touch screen phones might find this easier!  

When viewing the reports to the screen, simply hold your finger on the screen for a little over a second and you can now scroll up or down by moving your finger on the screen!  

By the way – it also works with a mouse. 

Contact us at:
Mike Spence
8326 Woodland Ave. E
Puyallup Wa 98371

Posted in Reporting, Uncategorized Tagged with:

January 13th, 2011 by ssadmin

Curious about gift card usage?

We all know that gift cards are a great way of increasing revenue and customer retention.  One of the questions that comes up is how to track what happened with a gift card.   Usually this comes up because a customer thinks they should have more money on their card than they actually do. 

SelbySoft has a great report that will show you a complete history of the gift card when you are using our free internal gift card system. 

In Reports | Customer | Internal Gift Card System you will find an option that provides a couple different types of information.

For example, to see all the transaction history for a specific card, you would simply select the Individual button and then enter the gift card number and dates to see.    The example below shows what type of information is being displayed – notice that all voids, loads, sales etc are shown along with the date and the employee that performed the transaction!

This is a great way to check if someone has used a card incorrectly and to help verify transactions. 

Another report that can be run here is the list of outstanding cards.  With this report you will see a total list of all gift cards that have not had any use since a certain date.  This is a great liability report!

Contact us at:
Mike Spence
8326 Woodland Ave. E
Puyallup Wa 98371

Posted in Gift Cards, Marketing, Order Entry, Reporting, Uncategorized Tagged with: , ,